1. Katie Cam 20 mins
  2. Katie Cam 20 mins

    Price:  $80.00

    20% OFF NORMAL PRICE FOR ALL 20 MINUTE SHOWS!! (Normal Price for Katie Cam Time is $5 a min... you save $20 with this purchase!!)

    You get to call the shots and have me all to yourself in this unique sexy experience.

    For cam I use Skype. I have a super fast connection and top-of-the-line video gear, including professional quality lighting so we can get straight to the action.

    I love dressing slutty and always have a bunch of lingerie to hand so you can dress me how you want or simply undress me so I can show off my huge 36E Boobs!

    Once you check out  I'll email you within 24 hours (usually within a couple of hours) to set up a time for us to play ;)

    xoxo Katie Kox


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